Under the auspices of an international research initiative organized by the Austrian Ministry of Science, this book examines the impact of racism an racist discourse in the political life of 6 member states of the European Union. The authors examine, over a 2-year period, the language of parliamentary debates and the discourse strategies, topoi and lexical choices that are characteristic of the talk of politicians from a broad range of diffenrent political persuasions. Against the background of a description of racisme througout Europe the authors analyze samples of political discourse on such topics as xenophobia, immigration, foreign labour, unemployment, legal control, and social and cultural issues. The data from the six different countries are all processed according to a common approach: the Discourse-Historical method of the Vienna School.

Parliamentary Discourses on Ethnic Issues in Six European States

... Stigmatisierung ethnischer Minderheiten, so der Befund, gibt es in den Parlamenten aller Länder. In Österreichs Parlament jedoch, so die Analyse, "scheint expliziter Rassismus salonfähig" ... (profil)

... Dass sich Fremdenfeindlichkeit in Europa abseits der Stammtische auch bei den Eliten ausdrückt, beweist die sprachwissenschaftliche Studie "Racisme at the Top" ... (Wiener Zeitung)

... Ein überaus empfehlenswertes Buch für alle, die sich mit dem Thema Rassismus in Politik und Alltag auseiandersetzen wollen ... (AAI Newsletter)

... Most shoking in the analysis presented in the book is the fact that top politicians across the political board cast foreigners in a negative light, using a number of ignorant but seemingly plausible assumptions ... (Karl Pfeifer, Searchlight)

Ruth Wodak & Martin Reisigl: Discourse and Racism • Teun van Dijk: Parliamentary Debates • Lena Jones: Foreigner and Asylum Policy in Western Europe • Maria Sedlak: Ethnic Issues in the Austrian Parliament • Luisa Martin Rojo: Spain – Outer Wall of the European Fortress • Ineke van der Valk: Paliamentary Discourse on Immigration and Nationality in France • Ineke van der Valk: Parliamentary Discourse on Illegal Immigrants, Asylum and Integration – the case of Holland • Lena Jones: Immigration and Parliamentary Discourse in Great Britain • Jessika ter Wal: Italy – »Sicurezza e Solidarietà«
Rassismus im parlamentarischen Diskurs – Ergebnisse empirischer Untersuchungen in Österreich, Spanien, Frankreich, den Niederlanden, Großbritannien und Italien